Retreat News
The March 27th registration day has come and gone. I hope members of Mayflower QG and chapters have sent in their registration. Non-members can register by mail on April 10. be sure and have your envelope clearly stamped with the date.
The Avonport Scholarship Award for a young quilter was awarded to Krystal MacLaughlin of Halifax. Krystal is very excited to be coming to her first Retreat. We all know she will benefit a great deal from this opportunity. After the Retreat we will post Krystal's report about her experience.
And congratulations also to Beverley Drysdale of Riverport, Nova Scotia. Bev has won the Retreat Raffle for the 2009 Retreat which gives her an all expense paid Retreat! Bev has been a regular at our Retreat. Bev is a member of the Mahone Bay Quilters Guild. Two other member os the Mahone Bay QG have also each won a $500 scholarship to attend the Retreat. Congratulations to Anna Davison and Donna Veinot. Both will be attending for the first time.
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